St. Louis Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition
Serving as the Region's
Gateway to Hope

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(hosted by Provident)

Mission: We foster hope through an engaged community dedicated to preventing suicide in the St. Louis region by serving as a gateway to education, resources and advocacy.
Vision: We envision a St. Louis community that is suicide-safe.
St. Louis Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition...
The Coalition convenes local Suicide Prevention Champions to invest time and expertise to promote a suicide-safe community. The Coalition shall include regional members who strive to meet the following goals:
Members shall attend at least one meeting per quarter and are encouraged to attend any trainings and events associated with the Coalition. An alternate may also be selected to attend at the discretion of the member.
When applicable, members shall offer their areas of expertise to benefit the Coalition’s initiatives and infrastructure.
Members shall join one of the subcommittees: Steering, Speaker Series, Needs Assessment, and Membership & Finance, and take an active role in associated action items.
Members shall promote the Coalition through enhancing and inspiring the Coalition’s community awareness and informing others of the Coalition’s initiatives and regional value.
Members shall serve as Suicide Prevention Champions of hope to the community, encouraging those they know to invest in the Coalition’s mission, vision and initiatives.
Find a list of Coalition Members on the Resources page
Art courtesy of Ashley Brooke Boyd